
Friday, May 31, 2013

New Baby Blanket Fabric and Scarves

I am busy cutting and sewing, but excited about some never been made fabric.  The pink starfish is for a girl baby blanket...duh, and the emerald chambered nautilus is for a couple scarves for some very brave women who I am blessed to call friends - excited to get these sewn and to everyone!

You can have one too - get your here.

Have a great weekend!

Chambered Nautilus, Starfish, and Crab respectively.  Sand Dollar Surf is underneath too. :)


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Shell Feature: The Lightning Whelk

The lightning whelk is such fun to find!  And, because of it's left handed sinistral shell, it is unique.  Often people confuse the lightning whelk with a knobbed whelk and other conchs, which are "right-handed" with a right handed sinistral shell.  I have confused the two multiple times, and just recently did so when I found egg cases of lightning whelks.  I assumed they were egg cases of knobbed whelks.

I find tiny lightning whelks more often than large whelks, often on both along sound at Masonboro Island, and along the ocean at Wrightsville Beach and Ocean Drive.  Here are a few of my favorites from my collection.
Ocean Drive photo shoot.  They look like ice cream cones. :)

Pre- photo shoot.

5 different sizes.

Left handed sinistral shell.

Smaller whelk - only about 1.5" in length.

Baby whelks found in egg case (on Bald Head), with larger whelk  (found on Longboat Key, FL).
These lovely whelks can be found all the way up in New Jersey and down through the Gulf.  The Lightning Whelk is the state shell of Texas, and quite the clammer.  Adults usually eat one clam a month, and use their shell to help pry open the shell.  Wonder if they ever casino their clams?


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bald Head Island Artisan Show and Wrightsville Beach Magazine

As a member of the Bald Head Island Artisans, we have the opportunity to participate in shows/sales every big weekend of the year:  Easter, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, and Thanksgiving.  The Memorial Day Show and Sale was held this past Saturday.  It's always a pleasure to have to work on my favorite island!  Regardless of my tardiness, (I missed the 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. ferries), I still had a successful and fun day.

Waiting for Bald Head Island Ferry.

Busy ferry!

Randomly found this lovely lady wearing a scarf a friend bought her.  :)

My office for the day. 

View from my office.

It was rather chilly in the morning, which made for perfect weather for us artisans.  I am sure people trying to enjoy the beach may have disagreed.

And remember, if you can't make it to an artisan show, you can have your own online - here - please contact me for customization and special orders (!

Returning home I had the pleasure of reading an article on myself and my scarves.  Wrightsville Beach Magazine featured me in the June issue, which is on stands now and free!  For those of you who are not in the area, you can view the article here.  Very excited and grateful for this article being published!


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Waties Island

Waties (WAY-teez) Island, SC

I recently moved to Ocean Drive Beach in South Carolina, which technically is North Myrtle Beach, SC.  Cherry Grove is the beach just to the north, and technically also North Myrtle Beach, SC.  Regardless of the technical name, both are lovely beach communities.  (This is coming from someone who grew up convinced that Myrtle Beach was a bit on the redneck side - and regardless that this past week was Black Bike Week - I love being here and I am enjoying these beaches immensely!) In addition, over lunch a few days ago, my boyfriend and I noticed a map of an inlet, which happens to be just north of Cherry Grove.  We were immediately excited, and yesterday made the trip to The Point at Cherry Grove.  Prior to that, I went on Google Earth to check out what to expect.  You can imagine my excitement learning that Waties Island, a 2.7 barrier island, lay to it's north!  It's like a mini-Masonboro Island!  I am so flipping excited about this discovery - and can't wait to spend many summer days exploring this fine island: shelling, fishing, and hopefully hunting and gathering in the sound waters behind it.

Aerial Photo (although a bit dated) of Waties Island.  Cherry Grove is just to the left.  Little River inlet is north (right).
The tide was falling when we arrived, and once the tide changed, we headed back, walking across the inlet in the breakers.  We spotted a skate on the way, and the current was subtle yet super strong.  I miss my boat :).  I doubt the siblings would appreciate me bringing it to SC for the summer.  I also managed to find some sand dollars and other treasures.
Waties Gems
The Point at Cherry Grove is a gem itself.  Especially at low tide.  What a beautiful inlet!

The Point at Cherry Grove and Waties Island in the short distance.

I hope you all had a Happy Memorial Day, and I hope you have the best summer yet! 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Knobbed Whelk (Conch) Egg Case with baby whelks :)!!

Many of you have run across Knobbed Whelk egg cases while strolling the beach.  Maybe you didn't know what they were, or maybe you did.  But, rarely have you found them with the baby conchs still enclosed.  Lucky for me, I found a bunch of them last weekend on Bald Head Island.  Here are a handful of photos that spell out better than I can type, the egg casing and how whelk's multiply.

Knobbed Whelk Egg Case

One layer - if you look closely you can see the baby whelks inside.

Now you can really see them :).

I took what I could so I can take them out and decorate.  

Baby baby whelks and baby whelks a little more grown up.

What a fun find - the work it takes to get them all out is doing me in.  But, it will be worth it when I have a jar full.  More than this!
Baby Whelks
Happy Shelling this weekend!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Crab Baby Blankets

As many of you know, I design scarves inspired by the shells that I find.  Recently, I started doing baby blankets out of an organic jersey knit material.  A recent client ordered the crab in a baby blue for a friend and it turned out nicely.  

The Crab Shell inspiration.

Crab Baby Blanket lounging in a baby rocker.

Probably doesn't like the crab trap too much!

Hanging out by the water.

You can get your baby blanket in any design.  Check them out here or get in touch with me to customize.  Monogram is also available: email me at


Thursday, May 16, 2013

She sells seashells down by the seashore.

Kind of.  Well, if you really think about it, I do exactly that.  The scarves I sell are inspired by the shells I find, so essentially I am selling shells near the seashore.

I also keep my shells and decorate my house with them.  Finding the perfect container can be touch.  Recently, I have had some luck.

I love Anthropologie for so many reasons, one of them being that you can find exactly what you want even when you don't know that you're looking for it.  Get yours here (and, they make 2 other sizes too)!

The Chemist's Jar

HeLLO shells...a close up!

The next two pictures are also from Anthropologie and they are on sale!  Get them here.

Lava-Drizzle Vase in white.

Lava-Drizzle Vase in Blue Motif.
The Bald Head Island Club has the BEST she crab soup, and they use these tiny jars for the sherry for the soup.  I always wanted it for my tiny treasures.  And, I found them at Wal-mart of all places.  They are $0.97

Sherry glasses
I infrequently visit antique shops and check out their old jars; I've found a few gems.  But, I think I enjoy finding good containers when I'm not looking for them.  Also, the one in the back in the following picture can be found in all sizes at Target and Wal-Mart.  They are kind of common looking, but they get the job done.  Get the 2 gallon jar here.

Antique Jars, Target Jar
You would think that it would get old, this shell collecting thing, but it doesn't.  


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Tis the season for Hunting and Gathering

Sunday at Wrightsville Beach, NC

Sunday was an incredible weather day.  Maybe perfect.  Or, at least perfect for crabbing.  My brother and I ran to Harris Teeter and found some very large leg pieces, 10 I believe for $4.12 and headed out to our secret spot (which, is probably everyone's secret spot).  Side note:  don't you love how most beach people have a secret spot that they've talked about all their lives, and then one day, you take someone with you, to your secret spot, and they tell you that they've also been coming to the same place for years. 

Here is the before picture of the hunt and gather.  Tent stakes make perfect crab lines!  And, obviously these nets need to be replaced.  I think crab nets only last one season.

Hunting and Gathering Gear

The first hunt and gather of the season can be slightly nerve racking for me.  I worry that the crabs won't be there yet, that it's too early, or they will be too small.  Which is kinda silly - they are bottom dwellers.
Gorgeous Jerry

Mother's Day Crab Pick!
Slightly more professional hunt and gather boat.

We brought the crabs (and clams) back to cook up a fantastic mother's day feast - maybe not the one Momma intended, but one she definitely enjoyed!  I can't wait to go hunting and gathering again soon!

Hunting and Gathering gear can be found most places:  Walmart, West Marine...etc., but I find that the best places to grab it all is the local Craft American Hardware store.  Happy Hunting!


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

(deep breath.....LARGE sigh.....relax shoulders, back, eyes...breathe salt air, the best salt air...) - Yep, BALD HEAD!

Thank the goodness goodness for May and Bald Head Island.  It's that time of year again when I get to go to Bald Head, and not just go to Bald Head, but go with my family.  That includes my favorite nephew and niece.  And, if you can even believe it, my nephew may just love Bald Head as much as me.  You can ask him.  My sister (his Momma) once asked him if he'd rather live in Raleigh or Wilmington.  Powell said:  "I'd rather live on Bald Head."  Well done, and since he is my identical twin's son, I do believe he has ALL my DNA.  Or, at least the island kind.  (And, the better news is, we are going back on Thursday)!

Here are some shots from our trip:

Powell has just started getting serious about golf, (and every other sport known to mankind) so, Uncle Forrest (Emma calls him Uncle Sa Sa) took him out to hit balls.  Now, Powell is an athlete, but in addition, he is one MEAN clothes horse, so you have got to appreciate how "sharp" he looks!

Powell in his golf "getup".

Reston and I were heading out to ride bikes to the beach and check out the shells.  Well, Emma, "wanted to go bicycle too!" so she joined us.  And, loved her helmet!

And, we found shells!  This sand dollar below was right at the center of South Beach and West Beach.  They have been dredging, so unfortunately, I think the majority of the shells here were ground up from whatever that machine does to "nourish" the beach.  But, this was a joy to find.  Of course, I greeted the shell with, "HEY...what are you doing."  Yes, I talk to shells.  I don't even know that I am until I am in the conversation.

South Beach Sand Dollar

I did pull this Knobbed Whelk out of the sand to a large reaction of water.  It was almost as if the conch spit at me or threw a waterfall on me.  Not to worry, I put him back happily and with plenty of water.  The tide was also rising, so I feel certain the conch inside survived.  How gorgeous is that orange color - great inspiration for a scarf color!

Knobbed Whelk

My BF was lucky enough to get to the island for a couple nights.  Powell and I were excited to pick him up, and he was ready for this candid as he pulled into the marina.

6pm Ferry

Powell running on South Beach before a rain storm.

Powell - South Beach

Bald Head has a handful of fantastic shops.  The picture below was taken on the porch of Room Service, which is on Maritime Way - where Maritime Market and other unique stores reside.  I loved this rocker, especially the rock and then the color.  Check out Room Service on their Facebook Page here.

And, check out other Bald Head Island stores here.

Room Service Rocker

Old Baldy, the beloved lighthouse on this beloved island, is one of my many favorite icons of this spectacular island.  I captured this picture heading to the ferry to retrieve the boyfriend.  The clouds were rolling in behind it, from the east, and personify a mountain range.  Thank goodness the only thing behind Old Baldy is a maritime forest and a salt ocean.  I need to be by the sea!  

Old Baldy - the most lovely lighthouse in the world.
