
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Scarves new identity, start of their brand, and BHI!

Good Morning!

Teeny Harris is a brilliant photographer and artist, and agreed to come on board to help me and Margaret Turner Designs to create a brand for my new scarf collection, which hopefully will grow into more.  That is, if I can stop the hamster wheel from turning long enough to narrow my scope and implement the millions of ideas already in this strange brain of mine.  I wanted to share the first (hopefully of many) photo shoot my scarves had last week.  The scarves proved to be great sports, no diva personalities just yet, although I am thinking the Sea Urchin is going to demand much more when we meet again.  Check them out!

* order your scarf here.
* check out more of Teeny's beautiful photography here.


(c) Margaret Turner Designs and The Coral Peacock.

The photo shoot was a last minute idea of Teeny's because of an event I participated in Saturday, May 26th, at Bald Head Island.  YES, I found a way to work there.  How quick did that happen?!  I am starting to believe if you say something out loud, and share it with whomever will listen out there, it will come true! 

I am now a member of the Bald Head Island Artisans!  How awesome is that?  And, the women in this group are so lovely.  They inspire me and make me smile!  I appreciate them letting me join their (our) group so last minute.  AND, we have another show July 7th on BHI.  So, another excuse to go back to my favorite place in the world. 

On top of meeting the lovely ladies in the Bald Head Island Artisans, I also had the opportunity to meet some fantastic people also visiting!  I was so pleasantly surprised and pleased with the feedback I received from everyone.  Here are some pictures of my table at the Bald Head Island Artisan Show and Sale:

Thank you again Bald Head Island! 


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